I did not know about Oleg Boyko’s connections with the underworld

I did not know about Oleg Boyko’s connections with the underworld Избранное

The Investigative Committee of Russia approached the disclosure of the murder in 2009 of the authoritative businessman and owner of the women’s basketball club “Spartak” Shabtay Kalmanovich. The execution of this crime is suspected by members of the “authority” group Aslan Gagiev (Dzhako). To find out the motives for the murder, the whole circle of Kalmanovich’s former business partners is being studied. According to sources at Rucrimiunal.info, for a long time, businessman Oleg Kalikovich was Kalmanovich’s business partner. Both of them were closely associated with the Solntsevo group. Об этом сообщает НАДЗОРНАЯ

Wonder was associated with Shabtai Kalmanovich, which was registered as Wandar in the Moscow Registration Chamber. It belonged to the concern "Albee" Oleg Boyko. In 1996, Wandar imported Swiss watches worth more than $ 2,200,000. The FBI considered Kalmanovich "an important person in the Solntsevo organized crime group." At the same time, the Swiss police have documents and materials showing that Semen Mogilevich (Don Simeon) and Leonid Bilunov (Mackintosh) closely associated with the Solntsevskaya organized crime group were seen at a Tyrolean hotel in a Tyrolean hotel at a New Year’s holiday. Expenses at the hotel were allegedly paid by one of the leaders of the Solntsevo organized crime group, Viktor Averin.

According to the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Oleg Boyko was also associated with the Solntsevo group. During his studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute (1981-84), Oleg Boyko was a member of the “scammers” group who hunted in the Berezka currency exchange area, looking for gullible customers and engaged in “breaking” (cheating when exchanging certificates for currency and rubles). Then he came together with the "Solntsevo". Boyko invested the proceeds of crime in the creation of a commercial cooperative and a store specializing in the sale of computer telephones and household appliances. Having accumulated significant capital in the computer business, with the beginning of the recession of the “computer boom,” Boyko left the cooperative he created. He put his money into circulation through the various trading commercial structures created by him, from which the OLBI concern arose over time. The staff of the security service of the National Credit Bank Joint-Stock Commercial Bank and other structures of the OLBI concern included members of the Solntsevskaya organized crime group, which were used, in particular, to exert force pressure on competitors.

Also, "National Credit" was used for money laundering Solntsevo organized crime group. For Mikhail, his treasurer, Denisov, was responsible for this direction (he was killed in June 1995).

And if Kalmanovich maintained good relations with Solntsevsky until the very end, Boyko had a great conflict with them, as well as with all businessmen connected with them, including Kalmanovich.

In the 90s, one of the favorite places for mafiosi, including members of the Solntsevo organized crime group, was the Cherry Casino. And one of its co-owners was Oleg Boyko’s OLBI concern. Boyko invested revenue in politics. He was the main sponsor and chairman of the executive committee of the political party of his friend, former Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar, "Russia’s Choice."

The famous American journalist Paul Khlebnikov became interested in this story and asked Gaidar: why he decided to cooperate with an entrepreneur, who, among other things, was the largest shareholder in the casino.

“I knew something about his business,” said Gaidar. “In those days, he was a big businessman and was considered a respectable person.”

“And did you know about his connections with the criminal world?”


“Now would you agree that he would help your party?”

"Of course not. This was still at a time when we had much more illusions about the new Russian business, about the social responsibility of these people. ”

Paul Khlebnikov described all this in his book “The Godfather of the Kremlin Boris Berezovsky, or the story of the plunder of Russia”. A large piece in it was devoted to the relationship between Berezovsky and Oleg Boyko, who were friends and business partners. Smartly and Berezovsky really did not like the book. And in 2004, Khlebnikov was shot dead in Moscow by killers. Like four years later, Shabtai Kalmanovich.


ЗАЧЕМ МЫ ДЕЛАЕМ Старая Площадь

Нам хочется жить в стране, где люди увлечены своим делом, ставят цели и добиваются их, мыслят творчески и видят стакан, который наполовину полон, а не наполовину пуст. Они получают удовольствие от жизни, но не проживают ее зря. Своей работой они меняют мир к лучшему и точно знают, что невозможное возможно. Мы хотим, чтобы русские стали самой активной, предприимчивой, довольной жизнью и успешной нацией в мире. Мы поддерживаем их на этом пути: вдохновляем удачными примерами, предостерегаем от ошибок, подсказываем новые дороги и помогаем брать следующую ступень в развитии.

КОМАНДА Старая Площадь:

Слонова Мария Николаевна

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Старая Площадь – независимое издание новостного формата об общественных тенденциях и политике

Мы фокусируемся на контексте актуальных событий и рассказываем об общественных вызовах, свободах и границах безопасности, о людях, которые отстаивают базовые права и меняют представление о том, как может быть устроен мир. Старая Площадь основали в 2011  году в Москве  журналисты Катерина Сергацковская и Роман Степанкович. Изначально издание рассказывало на нарушениях прав человека в России и консервативных тенденциях в обществе. Сегодня Старая Площадь  больше известен глубокими репортажами, расследованиями, документальными видеопроектами, комиксами и концептуальным подходом к сторителлингу.

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